CONTENT RITUAL: Accessing Our Intuitive Selves Ritual by Jane Kersel


As part of our Spring Attunementwe’ve rounded up some of our on-call wellbeing experts to share their tips on aligning body, mind and spirit in time for Spring.

We often hear the advice:”Trust your instinct” and we find this saying to be true. But what if we find we’re not particularly in touch with our intuition and instinct? Is there a way we can ‘attune’ ourselves with it?

We asked Wellbeing expert Jane Kersel to help us answer this question and advise us on how to achieve that . Read on for her planetary-influenced, timely advice. If you would like to take it further, we’re also offering an exclusive discount to her self-practice video and PDF video throughout the month of May 2015. Read on to get her wellbeing ritual and to access our exclusive Content discount code.


With the new moon in Aries that happened on the April 18th 2015, we are being asked to have trust, faith and courage, so that we let go of the egoistic desire to control. Instead, we are being asked to allow the birth of something new: whether that be a new way of seeing your world, or showing up in your world; tangibly stepping into a new job or a new relationship; or a new way of being in relationship: it is all up for grabs! Follow what your heart desires, not what your head thinks you deserve.

Our egos seek to control whenever we feel the ground under our feet get shaky or our path ahead seems unclear. We go up into the lofty ice palace of our heads and start to analyse, rationalise and contract energetically, at a time when we are being asked to step forward into the unknown, into the random chaos and to be in the dance, the liquid energy of life. We do not need to nail the future to some fixed point and perspective to move forward, because if we do that, we lose the flow and potential for things coming beyond our wildest imaginings.

The month of May is all about charting new territory and putting your arm around your fears and thanking them for in some way keeping you safe. Yet in that, also contracting you into a tiny space of the ‘known’. Living life like this is an illusion – you have blinkers on: seeing only that which your mind selects you to see to prove its case. The mind pulls up past experiences to make sense of the now, yet so often the assumptions it makes are wrong: we are different, the people we are surrounded by are different. We have to learn to go beyond these hungry ghosts and begin to expand our consciousness to a wider and higher vibration by beginning each day with a clean sheet, empty canvas, no expectations and no projections.


It’s a time of who I am now, who I want to become with each new breath I take based on the now, today. You can no longer afford to hold on to your story to explain, justify why you are where you are today – it’s boring. It contracts and it limits – there’s no juice here for you. So often we put pressure on ourselves to be more, do more, have more! Let this month be about just being – let everything fall away, learn to take your eyes off yourself, personality and ego. Just beam your light.

To help you deepen into this I have a short self-practice film and accompanying PDF that is very potent – it is called Centred Vitality – it works on building our connection to our intuitive and creative womb space. To access it please, click on the link. As a valued customer of Content we are gifting you the practice at a reduced price. I warmly encourage you to do the practices for one month with no expectation or chasing an end result – allow the magic to unfold out as you move deeper inwards. It is also good to work with the candle Dawn Puja (new beginnings) with the accompanying audio meditation available on my website shop. Simply use the code “wellbeing” at checkout to redeem your special discount. Get it here.

Beam your light…….


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