Get The Recipe: Content Cold Fighting Tonic


Feeling a little worse for wear? With Winter in full throttle, cold and flu season is officially upon us. To help strengthen your immune system and fight off nasty Winter bugs before they take full effect, we thought we’d share with you our favourite immune boosting remedy. Featuring some of nature’s most potent anti-inflammatory and vitamin rich foods, blend up a batch of this immune boosting tonic and you’ll be well on your way to being cold-free and ‘content’ all season long.

Immune Boosting Ingredients

Lemon: A total body detoxifier – some enjoy ½ a lemon squeezed in warm water each morning to support liver health and get a daily dose of immunity boosting vitamin C. We like to get it in as many places as we can as this immune strengthening vitamin helps to neutralise free radicals in the body and reduce inflammation associated with sore throats and sinus pain.

Rosemary: Possessing potent phtyo-nutrient compounds, studies have shown that rosemary leaves and stalks possess antibacterial* and anti-fungal** properties. Comprised of major anti-oxidant compound rosmarinic acid, rosemary additionally contains a host of essential oils that possess anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic, anti-fungal and anti-septic properties.

Turmeric: Reportedly possessing numerous pharmacological properties including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-fungal and antioxidants, the active ingredient in tumeric, curcumin is known as an immune modulator capable of improving the ability of specialized immune cells to destroy pathogens.***

Manuka Honey: Recognised for a while now for its immune boosting properties, Manuka Honey provides a source of immune supporting phenolic antioxidants to ward of infections, supports a healthy digestive system and inner balance (which we all know by now is vital for a strong immune system) and is high in antibacterial agents.


  • 4 organic oranges or tangerines
  • 2 organic lemons
  • 1 thumb size piece of fresh turmeric
  • 1 large thumb size stem of ginger (or more if you like it hot!)
  • 4 sprigs of rosemary, including the stalks
  • 1 tablespoon Manuka Honey UMF 15+


  1. Juice all ingredients, peeling ginger and turmeric if not organic.
  2. Take as a shot or blend with warm water for a hot drink.

Special Mention: If you are feeling particularly under the weather add some garlic. Not only is this age-old immune booster rich in vitamin C, when garlic is crushed, the enzymes allin and allinase bind together creating a chemical reaction which produces Allicin – a natural anti-viral, anti-biotic and anti-inflammatory agent great for warding off and treating respiratory infections. Garlic is additionally great for digestion and populating the gut with beneficial bacteria.

*Antimicrobial activity of Rosmarinus officinalis against oral pathogens: relevance of carnosic acid and carnosal; Chem Biodivers. 2010 Jul;7(7):1835-40. doi: 10.1002/cbdv.200900301

**Chemical composition, plant genetic differences, antimicrobial and antifungal activity investigation of the essential oil of Rosmarinus officinalis L. J Agric Food Chem. 2004 Jun 2;52(11):3530-5.

***”Spicing Up” of the Immune System by Curcumin; Journal of Clinical Immunology. Vol 27, No. 1. January( 2007)


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