GET THE LOOK: Beach Waves and Organic Haircare Tips From Less Is More


Beachy, tousled waves might be one of our favourite-ever hairstyles! Not only do they look instantly cool, sassy and effortless (hello, Brigitte Bardot!), but they are very easy to achieve too: all you really need is a natural salt spray with the right amount of holding power. Enter the Less is More Elderflower Salt Sprayone of our haircare must-haves.

So, we asked Dr. Doris Branhuber, Co-Founder and CEO of organic haircare range Less is More, to share her tutorial to get the look. Also, if you’re making the switch to natural haircare and ‘detoxing’ your shower rack, don’t miss out on her exclusive tips for embracing a greener way of life and haircare.

Products to use:

Method 1: If you’re short on time… 

  1. For a tousled wavy beach-look, spray Less is More Elderflower Salt Spray generously into damp or dry hair
  2. Scrunch and style your hair using fingers
  3. Air- or blow-dry

Method 2: If you have more time…

  1. Spray some more Less is More Elderflower Salt Spray into damp hair
  2. Work hair in braids or a bun using hair bands
  3. Let your hair dry

RESULT: After opening you will be rewarded with the most beautiful natural waves!


If you are just making the switch to natural haircare, take a look at Dr. Doris Branhuber‘s tips below.

CARE – Start with:

  • A sulphate-free shampoo for mild, scalp-friendly cleansing
  • A silicone- and quat-free (synthetic combability aids and antistatic agents) conditioner to let your hair and scalp breathe

Choose the right product for your hair type: if you have longer hair, take a close look at your roots as well as the lengths and ends of your hair, which can differ in quality! For the right shampoo, look at your scalp and hair close the scalp (oily, dry, normal, fine, thick etc.). For the right conditioner, look at your lengths and ends. Apply conditioner just where it is needed: a scalp conditioner right on your scalp, a hair conditioner only at the length and ends. The long term effects are: healthier scalp, hair re-growth, as well as better hydrated and nourished hair.

Changing to natural products can lead to temporary signs of a detox process: such as a tingly feel of the scalp, dead cells and build-up of silicones and synthetic styling polymers loosening. This can take between one and four weeks. To support the detoxing process we also recommend:

BRUSHING – Do a daily morning brushing routine with a wild boar bristle hair brush: this is the most natural and environmental-friendly treatment for hair & scalp. Its benefits include: detoxing, as it removes dead cells and excess sebum, thus helping with problems of the scalp such as dandruff and reduces frequency of shampooing. It also stimulates micro-circulation of the scalp, helping to reduce hair loss. Lastly, it distributes natural sebum from the roots down to the tips, for natural conditioning and protection for the drier part of your hair.

HERBAL TONIC – Just like drinking detox teas or smoothies, the Less is More Herbal Tonic is a powerful herbal blend which helps to clarify, refresh and soothe the scalp. Apply it every morning before your brushing routine to support hair health.

EAT HEALTHY – Healthy hair needs enough protein, iron and anti-oxidants: especially beautiful organic hair. Protein is the building block of hair, because hair is keratinised protein. However, hair is considered a non-essential tissue, so the body doesn’t send protein to hair follicles first, focusing on essential organs, like the heart or liver, instead. But if you’re eating enough, the body will be able to distribute protein everywhere it’s needed! Iron is an important energy source for the hair, as it’s a mineral that the hair needs. In fact, iron deficiency has been linked to female patterned hair loss.

PROTECT YOUR HAIR – When using hot styling tools, blow-dryers or staying in the sun, use an organic leave-in care or styling products to protect your hair from moisture and protein loss.


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