LABEL LAB: Laura Rudoe from S5 Skincare Explains The Science Behind The NEW Vitality Mask

Laura-Rudoe-PortraitWith the launch of the new Vitality Mask from S5 Skincare we spoke to founder Laura Rudoe about the science behind the clever combination of natural extracts at the heart of this new mask.

At S5 we have been researching new strategies for tackling skin ageing and our latest product, the Vitality Mask, is the product of our new thinking on boosting cellular vitality and energy. Skin ages in 2 ways, through the passage of time (chronologically) and through damage caused by environmental stress. Our core range of 5 serums are designed to help skin deal with environmental stress and avoid inflammation as research has shown this is very ageing for skin (it has been dubbed inflamm-ageing by some researchers and is now seen as the leading cause of ageing).

Our new anti-ageing mask focuses on chronological ageing, revitalising at a cellular level. Cellular vitality is influenced by a group of enzymes called Sirtuins, which support cellular function and help to extend cellular lifespan. Sirtuin expression can be boosted in the body by several lifestyle changes including intermittent fasting (going without food for 16 hours at a stretch i.e. a late breakfast and an early dinner) or taking supplements such as Resveratrol. One of the active ingredients in the Vitality Mask, Rainforest Bidens Pilosa, has been shown in vitro to boost expression of Sirtuin-6 by 2.6x. It also boosts cellular renewal in a similar way to retinol without the irritation as well as acting as a potent antioxidant. In clinical tests it has been shown to reduce the appearance of wrinkles (depth) by 28% and the appearance of age spots by 36%.

Vitality MaskCellular energy is controlled by thousands of mitochondria in each cell, tiny power plants responsible for transforming nutrients into cellular energy (ATP) as well as organising cellular division, toxin elimination, old cell recycling and neutralisation of free radicals. As we age or when inflammation is present in the body, the mitochondria become less efficient at performing these tasks, causing a build up of toxins in the cell, reduction of energy and skin stress, which causes cellular damage.

There are several changes we can make to support mitochondria health. The integrity of the cellular membrane is critical for mitochondria health. The membrane is made up of phospholipids and essential fatty acids so it is important to make sure enough essential fats particularly anti-inflammatory omega 3 fats are included in our diets. Stimulants such as tea and coffee should be kept to a minimum as they destroy key nutrients responsible for energy production. Food should be of the highest quality possible including energy dense nuts, seeds, oily fish and grass fed meat. Our active ingredient Wild Alaskan Wakame has been shown in vitro to boost cellular energy (ATP) by 30% by reinforcing the cellular membrane, boosting cellular communication and by providing cellular nutrition.

The Vitality Mask also contains marine enzymes, which gently remove dead skin cells without harming the living cells beneath by mimicking the enzymes naturally found in the body. It delivers soft smooth skin without the irritation that usually comes from AHAs. It also effectively clears pores, visibly diminishing their appearance (up to 20%) and minimises the appearance of blemishes (up to 61% in 28 days) without stripping skin.


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