Organic Skin Care Travel Tips from Absolution Skincare

Holidays are a chance to relax and unwind but your skincare regime shouldn’t take a back seat.  Absolution Skincare give us their easy holiday skincare tips for making sure your organic skin care regime doesn’t take a break this summer.

First part of vacation: the travel… during this time, whether it’s by plane, car or train, your skin can become intensely dehydrated from air conditioning. For this radical change to your environment your skin deserves an adapted regime to boost its defence and repair damage. By adding a drop of La Solution+ Energie in your organic skin care cream, your skin will travel safely… Don’t neglect your made-to-measure skincare during the travel. Your skin will say thank you and you’ll be at your best from take off to landing!

This one may sound obvious but even if you keep make-up for drinks, dinner and parties (or if you just totally skip it during your vacation) your skin needs to be cleansed morning and night….this is a step that doesn’t take a holiday this summer!

  • Morning: During the night and especially summer ones, sebum production increases. Your skin needs its gentle morning cleansing to get ready for the day, to make your sun protection more efficient and of course, your tan even more beautiful.
  • Night: Sun protection, salt from the sea, pollution from the city, sebum from the warm (and delightful) weather, make up… all this and more need to be taken off to preserve your skin and keep it fresh, pure and ready to receive its hydration repairing treatment at night.

With L’eau Soir et Matin it’s only one product for both occasions.

Take advantage of summer to indulge your skin, take your time to hydrate it with the right organic skin care.

  • Morning: La Crème du Jour will provide you the perfect light hydration to start with in the morning (before your sun protection), and if you spend time in the water you can add a drop of La Solution+ Energie to boost your skin’s defences.
  • Night: La Crème du Soir and a drop of La Solution+ Anti-Age will prove a regenerating, relaxing, richer anti-aging (yes, all this!) skincare at night to help repair any sun damage from the day. Your skin must recover from its day out in the sun: if tanning makes you feel better (and it’s true!) it can also damage and age the skin… But if you’ve protected it during the day with a natural spf and never forget to nourish it, you’ll make sure this golden tan of yours will last longer with no harm!

Too much good food and wine can bring an onset of spots. We have to admit that for most of us, this is an unfair reality. To prevent this post-vacation side effect add a drop of La Solution+ Control in your day or night cream as soon as you return home. This purifying, matifying and anti-bacterial concentrated booster will regulate the sebum and help avoid pimples and imperfections.

Happy Holiday
absolution x

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