Katie Hess from Lotus Wei Shares Her Secret to Being Content…..

EXPERT-Katie-HessTo celebrate our fifth birthday we asked some of our favourite people their secret to being content…..

‘Daily meditation practice. Daily recognition of how precious and short life is as part of my daily practice. Being grateful for loved ones, the earth, life, challenges, growing pains, everything. During the day I try to be as aware as possible of the moment: the sounds, scents, the feeling in my body, my breath. If there’s ever a day I’m not content, I sit with it and experience it and accept it and breath with it until it dissolves. I try to be kinder and gentler with myself, because I know I can only show as much kindness to others as I show myself. I also use flower essences all day long every day, as well as eat dark chocolate, to stay balanced and at my best. I take breaks. I strive to drink water, teas and eat healthy. But most of all, it’s the little moments … looking at the leaves on a tree and their shadows on the ground, feeling the immensity and presence of the earth … mother earth is really my best friend and reminds me of how beautifully and poignantly temporary and incredibly beautiful this life is.’ Katie Hess from Lotus Wei

ABOUT: Katie Hess, founder of Lotus Wei, travels the globe, hand-collecting bio-energetic flower remedies that balance the body and mind. After 13 years of independent research on flower and plant-based healing, she is known for discovering the therapeutic qualities of flowers and creating bio-energetic flower essences that reduce stress, improve sleep and accelerate personal growth in today’s modern busy lifestyle.

As a pioneer in her field, she brings elixirs of exotic flowers from forests, deserts and tropical areas into holistic spas, wellness centers, and naturopathic practices, expanding the reach of these innovative bio-energetic remedies. She leads a growing company that aids in improving health, promoting happiness, and protecting the environment.

Katie’s work has been recognized and endorsed by wellness leaders such as Dr. Andrew Weil and Dr. Frank Lipman. She has also been featured on Martha Stewart Radio and in publications including Sunset, Organic Spa, Prevention Magazine and the L.A. Times.


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