COME CLEAN: Apartment Therapy Tips for Tidying Your Room

Wellbeing starts at home. The state of our abode is often considered a reflection of our mental and emotional health. If you’re looking for a way to reduce stress, de-clutter and encourage peace and happiness at home, pick up a copy of one of our favourite reads Apartment Therapy: The Eight-Step Home Cure by Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan. This book provides solutions for many problems in our dwelling spaces that most of us are aware of, but can’t quite seem to put a name to. Here are some of our favourite tips from the book.

Control the Clutter – Letting go of what doesn’t enhance your home’s health.

Over-attachment to possessions is one of the most powerful habits that you will encounter during the cure. While possessions can be useful, vital, valuable, and enjoyable, excessive emotional attachment to them is unhealthy and can throw off the balance between what you own and the space that you have to house it all.” (1)

Not Sleeping Well? Create a Bedroom Sanctuary

“The very fact that you aren’t sleeping well should tell you that something is way off in here—besides the bed squeaking. Think of your bedroom as the most important room in your home. Think of it as sacred space.” (2)

Celebrate Simple Beauty and Joy – Buy yourself flowers

“As simple as it sounds, the act of buying flowers for your apartment holds great significance and will heal your apartment on many levels. As organic elements, flowers strengthen the bones and contribute to the breath of your apartment through humidifying and cleansing the air. Through their colour, shape, and smell they contribute a living beauty that enlivens the senses and invigorates our vision. There is nothing created by man that compares to nature’s own work. And because they are ephemeral, cut flowers are a gift of freshness and faith to oneself and one’s home.”

Enhance with Natural Aromas.

Artificially scented candles, room fresheners, and potpourri should not be in your home, but some natural scents can be. Burning incense can be a very pleasing way of changing the mood or simply masking stale air in the midst of winter, when it is too cold to open your windows…. In particular, adding a scented candle to your bathroom can be very practical. Here are some tips when shopping: Check the label carefully to make sure it is natural. Avoid heavy or strong scents. Don’t buy cheap candles, as they won’t burn as cleanly. Beeswax candles give off a very subtle scent, burn for a long time, and are reputed to combat allergies as well.” (4)

We love Neom Luxury Organics for natural fragrances for your rooms that will ease you mind and enhance your mood.

Take a Media Detox.

“Since the goal of the Eight-Week Cure is to reclaim your home and to reduce the pressures and stimulation of the outside world, another culprit to be aware of is the ubiquitous media: television, radio, and newspapers. Dr. Weil calls his fast a “news fast” and says not to read, watch, or listen to any news for a full day. He then goes on to explain why: I do not want you to become uninformed about the state of the world, but I note that paying attention to news commonly results in anxiety, rage, and other emotional states that probably impede the healing system…. I think that it is useful to broaden the concept of nutrition to include what we put into our consciousness as well. Many people do not exercise much control over that and as a result take in a lot of mental junk food. My goal is for you to discover that you have the power to decide how much of this material you want to let in.” (5)

For more Apartment Therapy Tips view the blog HERE.


(1) Gillingham-Ryan, Maxwell (2008-11-19). Apartment Therapy: The Eight-Step Home Cure (Kindle Locations 828-830). Random House, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

(2) Gillingham-Ryan, Maxwell (2008-11-19). Apartment Therapy: The Eight-Step Home Cure (Kindle Locations 2721-2723). Random House, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

(3) Gillingham-Ryan, Maxwell (2008-11-19). Apartment Therapy: The Eight-Step Home Cure (Kindle Locations 835-839). Random House, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

(4) Gillingham-Ryan, Maxwell (2008-11-19). Apartment Therapy: The Eight-Step Home Cure (Kindle Locations 2524-2532). Random House, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

(5) Gillingham-Ryan, Maxwell (2008-11-19). Apartment Therapy: The Eight-Step Home Cure (Kindle Locations 2187-2194). Random House, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

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