Madeline Shaw Shares Her ‘Date Night’ Dessert – Raw Chocolate Brownie

raw brownies

No special meal is complete without dessert! So we asked Nutritional Health Coach Madeleine Shaw to share her perfect guilt-free ‘date night’ dessert recipe: the raw chocolate brownie. It’s decadent, yet healthy, one of our favourites and very easy to make!

Madeleine is a qualified Nutritional Health Coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and also a keen chef, blogger and presenter. She says: “This raw brownie recipe has the gooiest centre and you won’t believe how good it is for you! Here is why:

  • DSC1559ed1Walnuts: This nut contains the highest amount of omega 3 fats out of any other nuts. These omega 3’s help facilitate the movement of feel-good transmitters like dopamine and serotonin in and out of the cells and help to support memory and thinking as well. So you are guaranteed to have a smile on your face after a bite of these brownies.
  • Dates: These caramel beauties are used in a lot of my desserts, they bind the dessert together and have that rich sweet taste that complements so many desserts. Medjool dates are the best, as they are very plump and mix well. Try and choose organic ones that haven’t been treated with pesticides, not only are they better for you but they have a much sweeter raw taste.”


  • 100g Medjool dates
  • 150g crushed walnuts
  • 50 g of raw coconut oil
  • 50 g of raw cocoa powder
  • A pinch of Stevia


  1. In a blender, blend the walnuts until they are almost in a paste, then add the dates, Stevia and cocoa.
  2. Slowly add in the coconut oil as the mixture is blending. Once the mixture is totally blended together, transfer it using a spatula into a cake tin or baking dish.
  3. Place the mixture in the freezer for half an hour then refrigerate until it is needed to be eaten. Enjoy!

SERVING: Grate some 100% cocoa on top and serve with fresh berries, yoghurt or cream.


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