New Arrivals: Revital-Eyes Kale Biomimetic Eye Cream Arrives at Content!

Revital - Eyes Poster A4 V3This month’s exclusive product launch contains one of our favourite green ingredients, Kale! Moving from the kitchen to cosmetics, the world’s first oil-based Kale Extract has been developed by the talented Dr Pauline Hili from the UK organic skincare range Nourish.

Most of us know the benefits of Kale when eaten, but what about when applied to the skin? Brassica oleracea, kale leaf, extract is high in vitamins A and K and is a powerful antioxidant.  When applied topically, or consumed through the diet, Kale protects skin elasticity by protecting elastin molecules decreasing the appearance of wrinkles and improving skin suppleness.  Vitamin K is ideal for reducing redness of the skin, promoting healing and reducing swelling….and yes we have tried applying it all over our face! Dr Pauline Hili explains, Kale is a super-food with one of the highest levels of beneficial vitamins particularly Vitamin K.  We know that topical addition of vitamins can be up to 100 times more effective for the skin.  It just makes sense to use this ingredient as a powerhouse to re-invigorate the skin.   Its delicate effectiveness makes it particularly suitable for around the eye.’

Nourish have cleverly combined this super food with ingredients to brighten, protect skin elasticity, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and redness whilst promoting healing and a reduction in puffiness. First up, Tonka Bean Bioferment acts as an optical brightener for the skin, reducing redness so the skin appears brighter and more radiant. While clinically proven Peptides stimulate collagen production whilst inhibiting enzymes which degrade skin.  Trials show an improvement in the appearance of wrinkles and the ability to repair damaged skin. Dry skin and hydration are targeted with Rose of Jericho and Sodium Hyaluronate. These are combined with Sorbitol for cellular renewal and Argan Oil for a dose of Vitamin E.

With Winter fast approaching the Nourish Argan Skin Renew Cream makes for the perfect partner with this super-charged eye cream.


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