New Launch: Annee de Mamiel Autumn Facial Oil

Autumn’s cooler drier air can strip skin of its natural moisture, leaving it feeling uncomfortable and tight. During this change, skin needs extra support and protection – enter the newly released Annee de Mamiel’s Autumn Facial Oil, arriving in time for the Equinox September 22nd, which contains vital essential oils and flower essences to help the health and appearance of the skin through this season.


This  decongesting, warming, smoothing and toning oil also works on an emotional level, helping to balance the mood and bring clarity, positivity and focus to thoughts, combating the sluggishness that can happen during the change from the warmer, brighter climate of Summer to a cooler, more invigorating, month. Annee firmly believes that we should live in harmony with the natural cycles of our environment, and Autumn is a time of harvest, richness and preparing for the winter to come. Autumn is a great time to address the core issues within ourselves, and clear out the mental, emotional and physical clutter to help pave the way for a stress-free winter.

de-Mamiel-Autumn-Facial-Oil-2013Within this new blend, Annee has incorporated a selection of essential oils, including

  • Jasmine Sambac, to inspire optimism and confidence
  • Geranium Bourbon to balance and harmonise
  • Honeysuckle to promote vitality and act as an anti-inflammatory
  • Sandalwood to revive and rejuvenate as well as Patchouli, to ground the emotions
  • Citrus notes in the form of Grapefruit, Green Mandarin and Lemon help to energise, cleanse and focus the spirit

The de Mamiel Autumn Oil also includes the new base oils of

  • Echium to reduce inflammation as well as containing omega 3 & 6,
  • Amaranth to calm irritated skin, whilst smoothing and moisturising
  • Prickly Pear to improve elasticity and leave skin velvety soft
  • Baobab Seed to reduces wrinkles and fine lines
  • Carrot like Baobab promotes youthful looking skin, then come rich in essential fatty acids
  • Seabuckthorn & Rosehip Seed and Evening Primrose to nourish.

These base notes are combined with flower essences, culminating in a truly uplifting blend. The De Mamiel Autumn Oil ultimately seeks to install confidence and uplift the spirit, whilst nourishing the skin throughout the seasonal transition.

Directions for use: Smooth 4-5 drops on to a cleansed face and neck. Pause for a moment, cup your hands and cover your nose and mouth, breathe deeply for a count of 3, hold at the top then breathe out for a count of 5 releasing all tension. Repeat 3 times. Massage gently with small circular upwards movements from the centre out, until absorbed.


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